Strand 10

10 Exploring and analysing language

10.1 Exploring language variation and development according to time, place, culture, society and technology

  • Year 7 Identify some of the ways in which spoken English varies in different regions and settings
  • Year 7 Identify some of the changes that have happened in the English language over time
  • Year 8 Investigate spoken English from a range of regions and settings and explain how it varies
  • Year 8 Investigate texts from a range of historical periods to show how the English language has changed and varied over time
  • Year 9 Consider how and why spoken English varies in a range of regions and cultural contexts
  • Year 9 Consider how and why the English language has developed as shown in texts from different periods up to the present day

Links to Assessing Pupil Program

  • RAF5 Explain and comment on writer’s use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level
  • RAF7 Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical traditions

10.2 Commenting on language use

  • Year 7 Describe and find examples of how language is used in different contexts
  • Year 7Understand and make use of the most common terms used to describe language when referring to their own or other’s language use
  • Year 8 Explain some of the ways in which language varies according to different contexts
  • Year 8 Explain how linguistic concepts are related, and use the terminology in ways that help them describe and review language use
  • Year 9 Analyse and exemplify the way that forms and varieties of English used by speakers and written can be influenced by context and purpose
  • Year 9 Analyse a range of language uses, drawing on terminology related to literary, linguistic and grammatical features

Links to Assessing Pupil Program

  • WAF4 Construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs
  • WAF5 Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect

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