RAF2 Levels

RAF2 – understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text

3 – In most reading

  • simple, most obvious points identified though there may also be some misunderstanding, e.g. about information from different places in the text
  • some comments include quotations from or references to text, but not always relevant, e.g. often retelling or paraphrasing sections of the text rather than using it to support comment

4 – Across a range of reading

  • some relevant points identified
  • comments supported by some generally relevant textual reference or quotation, e.g. reference is made to appropriate section of text but is unselective and lacks focus

5 – Across a range of reading

  • most relevant points clearly identified, including those selected from different places in the text
  • comments generally supported by relevant textual reference or quotation, even when points made are not always accurate

6 – Across a range of reading

  •  relevant points clearly identified, including summary and synthesis of information from different sources or different places in the same text
  •  commentary incorporates apt textual reference and quotation to support main ideas or argument

7 – Across a range of reading

  • increasing precision in selection and application of textual reference to the point being made, e.g. close reference at word level to refute an argument in a short stretch of text, or, deft selection across a longer textual stretch to evaluate a writer’s viewpoint
  • increasing ability to draw on knowledge of other sources to develop or clinch an argument, e.g. referring to sources beyond the text to compare the effectiveness of imagery used

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